February 3 – California NORML has confirmed reports of four DEA raids in L.A. today. Contrary to rumor, no doctor’s office was raided. The raids were all “smash and grab” operations: agents took medicine and money, destroyed surveillance cameras and grabbed computers, but did not arrest anyone.

The professionalism of the operations was questionable. In one case, agents reportedly failed to leave a written receipt for cash that was seized. No rhyme or reason was apparent in the selection of targets, other than they were in the same neighborhood. Agents gave no reason for the raids other than that marijuana is still illegal, but apparently suggested that they wanted to act fast before receiving new orders.

California NORML believes that recent DEA conduct resembles nothing more than legalized piracy, and calls on supporters to remind President Obama of his pledge to end DEA raids.


Feb 5th, NOON

Los Angeles Federal Building

255 E. Temple St.

Dale Gieringer, Director, California NORML

See: Is the DEA the ”D’oooh!” agency du jour?

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