California Assembly Passes AB2312, the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Control Act

May 31st – The California Assembly approved the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Control Act, AB 2312 by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, by a vote of 41-30. The bill would clarify the legality of dispensaries and other medical cannabis business by establishing clear, statewide rules for the industry under a new state Board of Medical Cannabis Enforcement …

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Marijuana Reform Bills Moving Forward in Sacramento

May 25 – Tom Ammiano’s bill to establish a state medical marijuana regulation system cleared a major hurdle today by passing the Assembly Appropriations Committee.  The bill now goes to the Assembly floor for a vote.  CAL NORML urges Californians to call on their Assembly members to support AB 2312. The bill was helped by …

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WASHINGTON DC, May 9th. California’s congressional delegation voted 34-18 in favor of House Resolution 4326, to cut off federal funding for DOJ raids on medical marijuana. Special thanks to CA Republicans Dana Rohrabacher (Huntington Beach) and Tom McClintock (Granite Bay) plus Democrat Sam Farr (Monterey) for co-sponsoring the measure. Although the measure failed the full …

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New Zero-Tolerance DUI Bill in CA

May 2, 2012 – A new zero-tolerance DUI bill has been introduced to the California legislature by veteran drug warriors state Sen. Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana) and Sam Blakeslee (R – SLO). The bill, SB 50, would make it a crime for a person to have a controlled substance in his or her blood while …

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CA bill to increase penalties for MJ growing in forests

April 30 – The California Assembly has approved a bill by Assemblyman Wes Chesbro (D-Eureka) to impose additional civil penalties for cultivating marijuana on public lands, parks and forests. In addition to assessing civil penalties of $10K-$40K on violators, the bill would authorize a member of the California Highway Patrol or the sheriff or a …

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April 30 – A very bad court opinion that disallows MMJ sales by collectives has been published by the Second Appellate District, Division Two in Los Angeles: Trutanich v Joseph #B232248. The decision plays havoc with established law recognizing the legality of sales by medical cannabis collectives. The court ruled that Jeffrey Joseph, owner of …

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Oakland 4/20: “Obama, You’re Alienating Your Base”

Many thanks to everyone who turned out to make our 4/20 protest of the federal medical marijuana raids at Obama’s campaign headquarters in Oaksterdam a success. Not only did we make our views known colorfully and emphatically, but a sympathetic Obama campaign staffer cordially agreed to convey a message  written by Oaksterdam U Chancellor Dale …

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CA DUID Bill Fixed to Eliminate New Penalties

April 20, 2012 – California NORML is happy to report that Assemblywoman Norma Torres has amended her DUI bill AB 2552 to drop objectionable new criminal penalties for driving with residues of marijuana or illicit drugs. The bill originally proposed treating drivers found with traces of marijuana or other drugs in their system as per …

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California Research Bureau Releases Report on Medical Marijuana and Pesticides

The California Research Bureau has released a report on pesticides and medical marijuana. The report’s major finding is that the state’s regulatory jurisdiction is unclear due to uncertainty over the legal status of medical marijuana under current law. The report was commissioned by Assembly member Linda Halderman, M.D. (R-Clovis/Fresno). Halderman has introduced a bill, AB1975, …

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California Senator Leno Sponsors Bill to Clarify SB 420 and Medical Marijuana

April 11, 2012 – Sen. Mark Leno is sponsoring a bill, SB 1182, which would clarify SB 420 so as to make it clear that entities acting consistent with the Attorney General’s August 2008 guidelines may legally sell, cultivate, process, transport, etc. medical marijuana. At present, the legality of these activities is hotly disputed by …

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