Orange County Court Upholds Anaheim Dispensary Ban

Cal NORML Release Aug. 15th, 2011 – Orange Co. Superior Court Judge David Chaffee ruled that the city of Anaheim may legally prohibit medical cannabis dispensaries. This is the second hearing of the case Anaheim vs Qualified Patients’ Association, which was remanded to the lower court by the Appellate Court last year. The court ruled …

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CAL NORML KERN COUNTY ALERT 8/11/11 – Kern Citizens for Patients Rights is organizing a referendum petition to repeal the county’s repressive, new medical MJ dispensary ban and anti-cultivation ordinance. Similar petition drives have succeeded in overturning or suspending anti-MMJ ordinances in San Diego and Butte County. Interested supporters are invited to contact Kern Citizens …

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Measure To Legalize Marijuana Introduced in Congress

Take Action to support this measure June 23, 2011 – House lawmakers introduced legislation in Congress today to end the federal criminalization of the personal use of marijuana. The bipartisan measure – entitled the ‘Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011’ and sponsored by Massachusetts Democrat Barney Frank and Texas Republican Ron Paul along with …

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Butte County Medical Marijuana Ordinance Suspended by Petition Drive

Cal NORML Release – Jun. 22, 2011 Butte County activists submitted 12,308 signatures on a referendum petition to suspend the county’s controversial medical marijuana ordinance, which sharply limits patients’ right to grow their own medicine. The ordinance is now officially suspended for 30 days pending validation of the signatures. If, as seems likely, at least …

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Key Vote on Nasty Anti-MMJ-Collective Bill SB 847

CORRECTION Our previous posting erroneously misinterpreted the scope of the Correa bill, SB 847, banning collectives within 600 feet of residential areas. The bill applies ONLY to collectives that have a storefront or mobile location requiring a business license, e.g. a dispensary or delivery service. It does NOT apply to patients who privately share garden …

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Reform Bills Stall in Sacramento

June 9, 2011 – In a difficult session for marijuana advocates, the California legislature failed to approve key bills to protect medical marijuana employees’ rights and to decrease cultivation penalties, while advancing legislation to tighten regulation of dispensaries. The Assembly soundly defeated Assemblyman Tom Ammiano’s bill to reduce cultivation from a felony to a wobbler, …

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The Ad You Won’t See on Facebook

June 7 – CalNORML received an announcement this morning that 500,000 people have “friended” the Facebook page for the excellent book Marijuana is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink, co-written by NORML’s deputy director Paul Armentano. In celebration, the book’s publisher is offering a special price of $5.99 on the book through …

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CA Assembly Rejects Bill to Reduce MJ Cultivation Penalties

Cal NORML Release – Jun 3, 2011 SACRAMENTO – The California Assembly rejected Assemblyman Tom Ammiano’s bill AB 1017 to reduce marijuana cultivation from a mandatory felony to a wobbler. The vote was 24-36. The bill had been sponsored by the DA of Mendocino County, but was opposed by the state DAs association. “The state …

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Medical Marijuana Patient Population in CA

Medical Marijuana Patient Population in CA Survey: 5% of California adults have used medical marijuana; Cal NORML estimates up to 1,125,000 current users. Updated October 2014 Fully 5% of California adults report having used medical marijuana at some time, according to a newly published survey by the Public Health Institute in Sacramento (Suzanne Ryan-Ibarra, Marta …

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