AMA, CMA Call for Medical Marijuana Research, Policy Change

November 11 – The California Medical Association has adopted a resolution declaring criminalization of marijuana to be a “failed public health policy”:

RESOLVED: That CMA consider the criminalization of marijuana to be a failed public health policy; and be it further

RESOLVED: That CMA encourage and participate in debate and education regarding the health aspects of changing current policy regarding cannabis use.

Sources say the resolution was intended to be a call for debate, not outright legalization. There was some opposition to the resolution among pediatricians and emergency room doctors.

The CMA resolution was adopted prior to this week’s AMA resolution calling for research and rescheduling of medical marijuana.

– D. Gieringer

Also see:
KTLA: AMA Calls For Medical Pot Review, Marie Mortera Reports (03:45),0,406900.story

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